
#VRML V1.0 ascii  

Separator { # make a book  

Material { # blue  

diffuseColor 0 0 1  

}Cube { # front cover  
height 11.0   
width 8.5  
depth 0.25  
Translation { # move 1/8 unit down x-axis and one unit down z-axis  
translation -.125 0 -1  
Material { # light blue  
diffuseColor 0 .93 1  
Cube { # content or pages  
height 10.5  
width 8.25  
depth 2.0  
Material { # blue  
diffuseColor 0 0 1  
Translation { # move 1/8 unit up x-axis and one unit down z-axis  
translation .125 0 -1  
Cube { # back cover  
height 11.0  
width 8.5  
depth 0.25  
Translation { # move 4 3/8 units down x-axis and one unit up z-axis  
translation -4.375 0 1  
Cube { # spine  
height 11.0  
width .25  
depth 2.0  
Translation { # move one unit up z-axis  
translation 0 0 1  
Cylinder { # side edge of spine  
height 11.0  
radius .2  
Translation { # move two units down z-axis  
translation 0 0 -2  
Cylinder { # other side edge of spine  
height 11  
radius .2  
Separator { # book cover text  
Translation { # move 2 1/4 units up y-axis and .15 unit up z-axis  
translation 0 2.25 .15  
Material { # red  
diffuseColor 1 0 0  
AsciiText { # text, centering and width  
string [ "",  
             "University" ]  
justification CENTER  
width 8  


#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Separator { 
Material { 
diffuseColor 1 1 0 # This is yellow 
Cylinder { # a tall, thin cylinder 
radius 1 
height 15 
Transform { # moving 20 units up the x-axis 
translation 20 0 0 
Cylinder { # same as the first cylinder 
radius 1 
height 15 
Transform { # moving ten units down the x-axis  
# and five units up the z-axis  
translation -10 0 5 
Material { # use red 
diffuseColor 1 0 0 
AsciiText { # 2204 
string  [           "Software " , 
                        " of Computers and", 
                        " Computer Aided Systems"] 
justification CENTER 
width 40 



#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Texture2 { 
filename "logo.gif" 
Cube { # make a solid cube with an image on all sides 
height 3 
width 3 
depth 3 
Separator { 
Texture2 { # clear the image for this separator group 
filename "" 
Material { 
diffuseColor 1 0 0 # use red 
Cylinder { # make a tall, thin cylinder 
height 20 
radius .5 
Separator { 
Translation { # move up the y-axis 
translation 0 7.5 0 
Texture2Transform { # scale the image from the cube so that four 
# images fit on the next shapes' surface width 
scaleFactor 4 1 
Cylinder { # a solid cylinder 
height 2 
radius 2 
Cylinder { # a cylinder with no top or bottom 
height 1.5 
radius 3 
parts SIDES 
Cylinder { 
height 1 
radius 4 
parts SIDES 
Cylinder { 
height 0.5 
radius 5 
parts SIDES 
Separator { # make a platform of cylinders 
Texture2 { # clearing the logo.gif image 
filename "" 
Material { # use blue 
diffuseColor 0 0 1 
Translation { # move 10 units down the y-axis 
translation 0 -10 0 
Cylinder { # solid blue cylinder 
height 2 
radius 3 
Translation { # move .25 unit down y-axis 
translation 0 -.25 0 
Cylinder { # cylinder with no top or bottom 
height 1.5 
radius 4 
parts SIDES 
Translation { 
translation 0 -.25 0 
Cylinder { 
height 1 
radius 5 
parts SIDES 
Translation { 
translation 0 -.25 0 
Cylinder { 
height 0.5 
radius 6 
parts SIDES 



#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Material { # glowing blue letters and frame 
diffuseColor 0 0 0 
emissiveColor 0 0 0.5 
AsciiText { 
string "PETERSBURG" 
justification CENTER 
Translation { 
translation 0 3.5 -1 
Cube { 
height 16 
width 120 
depth .9 
Material { # yellow 
diffuseColor 1 1 0 
Cube { # sign face 
height 15 
width 118 
depth 1 
Translation { 
translation 0 -24 0 
Cylinder { # sign post 
height 32 
radius 3 
Material { # brown 
diffuseColor 0.5 0.4 0.2 
Translation { 
translation 0 -16 0 
Cube { # ground 
width 130 
height 0.2 
depth 100 



#VRML V1.0 ascii 

Separator { 
Material { 
diffuseColor 1 0 0 # Use Red 
Rotation { 
rotation 0 0 1.0 1.57079 # Rotate the cube 90 degrees about 
# the z-axis 
Cube { 
width 4 
height 5 
depth .2 
Material { 
diffuseColor 0 0 1 # Use Blue 
Rotation { 
rotation 0 0 0 -1.57079 # Rotate the cube -90 degrees about 
# the z-axis 
Cube { 
width 3 
height 2 
depth .5 


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9